Rebelión en la Granja
George Orwell
Minotauro (2021)
Science Fiction
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Rebelión en la Granja, or Animal Farm in English, is a satirical novella by British writer George Orwell originally published in 1945. In this classic tale of humanity awash in totalitarianism, a farm is taken over by its overworked, mistreated animals. With flaming idealism and stirring slogans, the animals set out to create a paradise of progress, justice, and equality. When the animals take over the farm, they believe it is the beginning of a better life; a world where all animals are equal and all possessions are shared. But soon the pigs take control and one of them, Napoleon, becomes the leader of all the animals. One by one, all the principles of the revolution are abandoned until the animals end up having less freedom even than before.
First published during the epoch of Stalinist Russia, today it is clear that wherever and whenever freedom is attacked, and under whatever banner, the cutting clarity and savage comedy of Orwell's masterpiece are still ferociously fresh. To capture the essence of the book, our cover cooks simmered a 3D rendering of Napoleon himself waving a flag for the revolution, both set in shades of communist red. Instead of walking on four legs, Napoleon can be seen standing upright on two legs, demonstrating his dominance and further separating himself from the other animals.