The Age of Aging
George Magnus
Wiley (2008)
Politics & Social Sciences Business
Featured in
Photography-based Typography-based
Low birth rates and rising life expectancy are leading to rapid aging and a stagnation or fall in the number of people of working age in both Western and Asian societies. The Age of Aging examines the economic effects of aging, the main proposals for addressing the implications, and how aging societies will affect family and social structures.
The book's publisher requested a photo-based cover that literally depicted the aging effects on people. This idea posed the issue of conveying the biological aspect of aging rather than the demographic one, as such our cover cooks proposed a typographic approach. To imitate wrinkles, our cover cooks typeset the title, printed it out, crumpled the sheet where the word 'aging' was placed, and took a photograph of the final product. The choice of red against white also turns the title into a message that coveys a warning.