Yo Quise ser Superman
Jordi Rebellón
Suma (2015)
Coming of Age
Bautista always wanted to be Superman, however, when fate handed him the opportunity to be, he could never have imagined the mission that awaited him or the uses in which he would have to invest his super skills: caring for a baby. An easy task which he could solve without any complications, or so he thought. Jordi Rebellón gives us a funny, acidic and moving novel in equal parts that reflects on the importance of being aware of what surrounds us in our immediate reality because sometimes our biggest missions await just around the corner.
Our cover cooks extracted inset panels from a vintage Spanish comic book and transformed them into a full bleed cover. The ripped paper revealing the title serves as a visual metaphor of the truths unfolding to the unexpected superhero: the importance of being aware of what surrounds us and the need to be superheroes in our immediate reality.