Death of Decorum
Sean S. Redmond (2020)
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Have you ever thought the entire world was against you? Sophateal Delinus certainly has. It all started when he awoke in his luxurious downtown Los Angeles apartment to find his ex-girlfriend robbing him. As if that wasn’t bad enough, when he confronted her, she maced his face! Then there was the crooked metro cop, his brutish boss, the New York thugs, his overbearing mother, some skinheads, three beautiful women, and a death which could’ve easily been avoided. However, those incidents were nothing compared to the worst part of his day. Something so outlandish, he never could've foreseen it: defecating out his own heart.
In Death of Decorum, decency amongst society has died and Sophateal Delinus' insides can no longer take it; he defecates himself to death because of all the horrible people he comes into contact with. The creme-colored slacks discarded on the bathroom floor are a metaphor for the throwing away of basic decorum. The title, painted in a hue reminiscent of feces, completes the book's cover design.