Dinmeyen Nefret
Şafak Güçlü
Storytel (2020)
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By day, the beautiful and lonely İnci is the president of a successful textile and fashion company, but following the betrayal of her husband and the death of their daughter, she transforms into a punishing serial killer at night. Disguising herself with wigs and makeup, she seduces unfaithful family men who approach her and kills them as punishment for cheating on their families. After one of her victims' body is found in a forested area in Istanbul, Captain Engin links İnci to the murder. And as Engin believes, more blood is about to flow.
Translating to 'neverending hatred', Dinmeyen Nefret spans 10 episodes. For the audiobook's design recipe, our cover cooks superimposed the head of a beautiful young woman onto the body of a black widow spider. Immediately recognizable by its shiny jet-black luster, female black widows are synonymous with sexual cannibalism, best known for killing and eating males after mating - much like İnci. A bold red background not only screams danger to the reader, but is also reminiscent of the small red hourglass-shaped design on the underside of the female black widow's abdomen.